Wednesday, 24 October 2012


Rome was really busy, with lots of people walking, in cars and on scooters. We had to be careful when we crossed the road because of the cars. We looked to make sure there was no cars and held mummy and daddy's hands most of the time. They had ice-cream in Rome too but they call it Gelato, my favourite was chocolate. They don't speak English in Rome so we had to say 'bonjorno' for hello and 'gratzi' to say thankyou. It was hot in Rome, lucky they had water fountains everywhere!
        Drinking from a water fountain in Rome         A busy street with St Peter's in the background

We saw lots of things in Rome mostly churches and they were all really old. They all had paintings on the walls and sometimes on the ceiling. The most special church we saw was the Sistine Chapel, the Pope's special chapel in Vatican City. It had the best painting in the whole wide world on the ceiling. It was of God creating Adam and I saw God's finger touching Adam's. We couldn't take photos so Mummy found this picture on the internet.
 The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

 Mummy's favourite place was the Coleseum. The place where they had fights with people or with animals and they thought it was sport and fun to watch. The men fighting were called gladiators and they fought each other or animals to get out of gaol. I don't get why people would want to watch if they were going to die. If they didn't get killed the emporer could let him go but usually he made him fight again. Mummy says back then the people didn't believe in God and didn't know it was the wrong thing to do. The Coleseum was really big and had big staircases and archways. Thousands of people would come to watch the 'games'.

 The Colesseum was like a big stadium and had lots of seats for people to sit and watch the games. They went up really high so everyone could see. It is all broken and fallen down now.
 Mummy with Coleseum in the back
Under the Colesseum was tunnels where they kept the fighters, prisoners, gladiators and animals.

We went to Pompei one day to see what it was like to live there. Pompei was a city that got frozen by the ash from a volcano. The people in the city didn't know the volcano was going to erupt so some of them got caught by ash and died and turned into rock.
 A street in Pompei made from big volcanic rock. You can see the volcano in the background.

 This was a temple that the people would come to worship and offer gifts to their ancient gods.

 This was a wine shop where they sold wine and drink from the big bowls in the stone counter.

 This is a garden inside a house!! The guide told us only rich people had houses with gardens.

 Rich people also decorated their houses with mosaics which is a picture made from lots of little tiles.

 This was inside the rich man's house - it was where his servants lived and the kitchen.
He said the roof fell down from all the ash that fell on top.

 This is a public toilet - Yuk!!! Rich people had their own.

 This is a person who died and is now stone. They put it in a glass box so it doesn't break.

This was a place for all the people to walk around and gather - like a park but no swings.

We also went to the Pope's big church St Peter's Bascilica. It was huge with heaps of paintings, statues and crypts, where they bury old popes. Lydia and I took some photos and said a prayer whilst we were there.

Florence and Venice next.

Love from Heather

Wednesday, 17 October 2012


We had to roll our bags to the hotel. It was hard for me but not Lydia because she didn't have her backpack. It was bumpy and we fell over sometimes.

The trains in London were very fast and crowded so sometimes we had to stand up and hold on to a pole or Mummy & Daddy. Daddy & I went to Paddington Station. We bought Paddington Bear there because he was too expensive everywhere else.
London Underground
Paddington Station with Paddington

We saw London Bridge. It has fallen down 7 times but it won't fall down again because it is made of concrete. A long time ago people chopped naughty people's heads off and they put the heads on spikes on London Bridge so everyone could see them and they wouldn't be naughty.
 At the London Bridge Experience

At London Tower they stretched people's bodies out on a table with ropes so they would tell the truth. If they told the truth they would let them go but if they didn't they would chop their head off.
 London Tower
 London Tower from across the water
London Tower behind us.
 Tower Bridge
 Tower Bridge opening
 Tower Bridge opening more
The ship going under Tower Bridge

The Tower Bridge was a bit scary for Lydia but not me. I didn't look out much so I wasn't scared. When big ships come in, the middle of the bridge lifts up so the ship can go through because it is too tall. It was very amazing.We played some games and got a chocolate medal at the end to eat. Yum.
Me and Lydia with our chocolate medals.

We visited the Queen's Castle (Windsor Castle) but she wasn't there. It is the favourite castle. I thought it was very big. We saw lots of pictures in a gallery, they were of people. We also went to Buckingham Palace but she wasn't there either!.It was boring, but mum and dad liked it a lot. I went to the Royal Mews and saw the horses and carriages of the Queen. There was a carriage called the Australian Carriage which was a gift to the Queen from the people of Australia for the Queens Golden Jubilee.I also went to see the horses of the guards at the Household Calvary Museum. I got to try on the uniform they wear and it was very heavy.
 Front Gates of Buckingham Palace
 Buckingham Palace Guard inside gates
 We are having lunch on the steps in front of Buckingham Palace
 Me in front of the gates at Buckingham Palace
 The Horse guards at Buckingham Palace
The Australian carriage
House Cavalry Museum - the really heavy uniform
 Me and Daddy at Windsor Castle
 Windsor Castle
 Windsor Castle
 Changing of the Guards at Windsor Castle
 Windsor Castle
 A Guards at Windsor Castle
Out the back of Windsor Castle

I went on the London Eye. It looks like a huge Ferris Wheel. It was very fun. we had to get on whilst it was moving. It went really high & it was really big. We took pictures because we could see a really good view of London town. I saw a pretty garden.
 Me and Lydia on the London Eye
 The London Eye
 A pod on the London Eye
 Looking up from our pod
 The view from our pod
Coming down now.

Next we go to Italy.
